  • 程宏斌-副总经理 Cheng Hongbin
    Deputy General Manager



    The strength of men comes from the loyal and honest. The 13 years days with Career, it's the precious memory with my team: I has hand over my faithful to Career, and Career's experience return me the mature. Blessing Career, do have the bright future!

  • 齐建良-质量安全部总监 Qi JianLiang
    Quality & Safety Dept. Director


    Have the honor to become a member of Ke Rui engineering the ideals, aspiring, have the responsibility to the team, with the ups and downs has gone through more than ten years, from the start of construction and installation works have a smattering of knowledge to now become a experienced managers, many of their harvest, in later days, may and Ke Rui engineering continuing work for the casting construction and installation industry respected national brand efforts!